Two Factor Authentication for GMail and (Neo)Mutt

We will deal with adding an email account that requires 2FA for gmail to neomutt. Firstly, we need to get a client id and client secret using Google Cloud. Make sure that we register the desktop version! Make sure to then authorize the emails that you want with this application and that you allow less secure applications for each of the email accounts.

Generating 2FA Tokens

Next, we need the following script: We need to fill in the client id and client secret in this file with that from Google. Additionally, replace the YOUR_GPG_IDENTITY in the ENCRPYTION with the correct GPG id to use. Place this script in ~/.local/bin. Next we can call it as <email>.tokens --verbose --authorize

I then recommend using authcode but you may have to try all of the various authorizations. Once this finishes, then there should be a file <email>.tokens. I recommend placing this into the ~/.local/bin directory (though it probably belongs in the .cache or .config directory).

Setting the Config Files

We are now ready to just setup the .mbsyncrc and msmtp/config files. For the .mbsyncrc file, we need to add the following lines, replacing <email> with the email address of course:

IMAPStore <email>-remote
Port 993
User <email>
PassCmd " ~/.local/bin/<email>tokens"
AuthMechs XOAUTH2
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/cert.pem

MaildirStore <email>-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/.local/share/mail/<email>/
Inbox ~/.local/share/mail/<email>/INBOX

Channel <email>
Expunge Both
Far :<email>-remote:
Near :<email>-local:
Patterns * !"[Gmail]/All Mail"
Create Both
SyncState *
MaxMessages 0
ExpireUnread no
# End profile

We can now update the .config/msmtp/config file similarly as

account <email>
port 465
from <email>
user <email>
passwordeval " ~/.local/bin/<email>.tokens"
auth oauthbearer
tls on
tls_trust_file	/etc/ssl/cert.pem
logfile ~/.cache/msmtp/msmtp.log
tls_starttls off

Make sure to then create the mail directory as

mkdir ~/.local/share/mail/<email>

We can now run mbsync <email>!

Error Performing SASL Authentication Step

If you are on MacOS, you likely will get an error of

Error performing SASL authentication step: SASL(-1): generic failure: Unable to find a callback: 18948

This has to do with an issue of the OS X SASL setup. To circumvent this, we need to modify the default isync that comes with Homebrew. To do this, we can do the following:

brew edit isync

Now, replace the HEAD with Then, we need to remove all lines starting with url and sha256. Then, we run the following command

HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew reinstall isync --build

Unfortunately, doing this will cause openssl$3--3.0.7 to be the default version of openssl (or some lower version in general), which can cause issues with ssh and git. To get around this, we just need to unlink and link:

brew unlink openssl@3
brew link openssl@3

Now, everything should be good!