
Simple Hartree-Fock code.


  • PySCF
  • Python3 (version >3.8)


Since I use the PySCF gto.M to build my integrals, we do the exact same here! Then, we pass the mol to the rhf() function along with the energy threshold and maximum number of scf iterations. An example is

def main():
    mol = gto.M(atom="O 0 -0.14322 0; H 1.63803 1.13654 0; H -1.63803 1.13654 0",
        basis="sto3g", unit="Bohr")
    my_energy = rhf(mol, e_thr=1e-9, max_scf=200)

It will then print out a whole lot of stuff, with the final energy at the end!


This script utilizes the PySCF library to generate the 1- and 2- electron integrals. Specifically, I read in the kinetic energy, electron-nuclear, AO overlap, and electron-electron repulsion matrices. From these integrals, we can construct the core matrix as \begin{equation} H^\text{core} = T + V^\text{nuc} \end{equation} with $T$ and $V^\text{nuc}$ being the kinetic energy and electron-nuclear attraction matrix respectively. This matrix does not change throughout the course of the SCF procedure. Next, we construct the symmetric orthogonal matrix \begin{equation} S^{-1/2} = Us^{-1/2}U^{\dag} \end{equation} This is done by diagonalizing the overlap matrix, $S$, and then taking each eigenvalue (the diagonal elements of $s$) and raising to the $-1/2$ power. $U$ is simply the unitary matrix that represents the eigenvectors of $S$.

We form our initial guess for the SCF produre by diagonalizing the core Hamiltonian. That is we take $F=H^\text{core}$. Transforming to the orthogonal MO basis, $F^\prime$: \begin{equation} F^\prime = (S^{-1/2})^{\dag} F S^{-1/2}=C^\prime \varepsilon C \end{equation} and diagonalizing yields eigenvectors $C^\prime$, our initial guess. We tranform back to the AO basis by multiplying by $S^{-1/2}$. \begin{equation} C = S^{-1/2}C^\prime \end{equation} The initial density matrix $P$ is given by \begin{equation} P_{\mu\nu} = \sum_{\lambda}^{N/2}C_{\mu\lambda}C_{\nu\lambda} \end{equation} Here, $N$ is the number of electrons in the system. Now we begin the SCF procedure as follows:

  1. Construct the $G$ matrix as follows with $\eta$ the 2-electron matrix. \begin{equation} G_{\mu\nu}^{(n)} = \sum_{\lambda\sigma}P_{\lambda\sigma}P^{(n)}(2\eta_{\mu\nu\sigma\lambda} - \eta_{\mu\lambda\sigma\nu}) \end{equation}

  2. Construct the Fock matrix, F \begin{equation} F^{(n)} = H^\text{core} + G^{(n)} \end{equation}

  3. Transform to the orthogonal representation $F^{(n)\prime}$ and diagonalize, as above.

  4. Compute $C^{(n+1)}$ as above. This represents the MO coefficients in the AO basis.

  5. Compute the new density $P^{(n+1)}$.

  6. Compute the electronic energy $E_\text{el}$ via \begin{equation} E_\text{el}^{(n+1)} = \sum_{\mu\nu}P_{\mu\nu}^{(n+1)}\left(H_{\mu\nu}^\text{core} + F_{\mu\nu}^{(n)}\right) \end{equation}

  7. Check convergence by \begin{align} \left|E_\text{el}^{(n)} - E_\text{el}^{(n+1)}\right| &< \text{energy threshold}\\ \left|rmsd\right| &< \text{density threshold} \end{align} where \begin{equation} rmsd = \sqrt{\sum_{\mu\nu}\left(P_{\mu\nu}^{(n)}-P_{\mu\nu}^{(n+1)}\right)} \end{equation}

If both conditions are satisfied, then we are done and converged!

Note in the above, the superscript ($n$) represents the iteration of the SCF procedure.

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