
Header only file for a C++ RAII thread that joins upon destruction.

It wraps the interface of std::thread. Feel free to download or copy the file into your own project.


To create a RAII Thread with a lambda, we can do the following:

#include "RAIIThread"
#include <iostream>
int main()
    RAIIThread thread([](){
      std::cout << "Hello from RAII Thread" << '\n';
  /* Thread is auto joined upon leaving inner scope */
  return 0;

Similarly for functions:

#include "RAIIThread"
#include <iostream>
void threadUnsafeFunction( int i )
  std::cout << "This function is not thread safe because of lack of mutex"
  std::cout << "The number is " << i << '\n';
int main()
    RAIIThread thread(threadUnsafeFunction, 5);
  /* Thread is auto joined upon leaving inner scope */
  return 0;

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